"The Sea Ranch" photos were shot with a viewpoint on the landscapes images from small to large.They contain images found on the beach, wind mangled trees and wood fence to the sheep foraging on a hillside. I decided not to do these images in full color and created a gold tint infused into the black and white image.
The driftwood cross was not staged and was found on the beach. I loved that part of it was covered in sand. The sand dune has visual forms beaten by the wind and parts by the incoming tide. The time of day was critical to getting the shadow at the right spots.
This particular sea grass had this interesting types of materials, textures and shapes. The shapes are magnified by the shadows cast. The sand dune had a variety of sand grains. The angle of the dune also adds more texture to the background palette for the sea grass.
The day I was visiting there was a large herd of sheep on a hillside. The sound of the herd was very vocal and loud. Some were eating and others were very opinionated.
All Photos Copyright Francesca Scalpi